Baseline Survey and Market Assessment of Lebanon's Low Carbon Energy Value-Chain - World Bank

March 9, 2023


Triangle has been commissioned to execute a comprehensive multi-tier framework survey and market assessment of household solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in Lebanon. This initiative encompasses a detailed socio-economic analysis of the existing energy accessibility situation for both Lebanese households and economically disadvantaged, home-based businesses. The study’s scope encompasses the administration of 1700 household surveys, facilitating 20 focus group discussions, and conducting 38 key informant interviews.


  • In-Depth Market Understanding: Triangle’s multi-tier framework survey and market assessment have provided a comprehensive understanding of the household solar photovoltaic (PV) systems market in Lebanon.
  • Socio-Economic Insights: Through 1700 household surveys, Triangle has garnered valuable socio-economic insights, shedding light on the current energy accessibility status for Lebanese households, especially those with limited incomes, and home-based businesses.
  • Community Engagement: The 20 focus group discussions facilitated by Triangle have engaged communities, fostering a deeper understanding of their specific energy needs and preferences.
  • Key Stakeholder Perspectives: Triangle’s 38 key informant interviews have captured crucial perspectives from stakeholders, offering a holistic view of the household solar PV systems landscape in Lebanon.
  • Data-Driven Recommendations: The outcomes of this research effort will inform data-driven recommendations and strategies for enhancing energy access and promoting the adoption of household solar PV systems in Lebano

Baseline Survey and Market Assessment of Lebanon’s Low Carbon Energy Value-Chain – World Bank


January 2023 – Ongoing 

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