Design, Development and Delivery of a Training Programme on Regulatory Reform in Qatar


This initiative was commissioned by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (UN ESCWA) to Triangle, with the aim of fostering regulatory reform focused on foreign direct investment (FDI) in Qatar. This was targeted at enhancing Qatar’s national development planning and aiding in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Triangle’s Assignment

Triangle identified that to effectively support Qatar’s ambitious national development and SDGs achievement goals, there was a critical need to enhance the capabilities of senior technical staff across governmental bodies. Thus, a two-day training program was conceived as a strategic intervention.

Triangle undertook the following key tasks:

  • Design and Development of Training Program: A comprehensive training module was created, focusing on regulatory reforms and FDI, tailored towards 60 senior staff members from diverse line ministries and governmental departments.
  • Delivery of Training Sessions: These sessions were implemented to equip the participants with the latest practices and knowledge in regulatory reform, aiming at fostering Qatar’s integrated national development.
  • Comprehensive Report and Online Portal Creation: Alongside the training, a detailed report was developed, coupled with an online portal that examines the business legislative frameworks across all 22 Arab League member states. This provided participants and the wider public with valuable resources for understanding the regulatory landscape.
  • Strengthening Capacities: The project successfully heightened the participants’ abilities to support and enact regulatory reforms aligned with Qatar’s strategic development objectives.

Design, Development and Delivery of a Training Programme on Regulatory Reform in Qatar – UNESCWA


September 2021 – November 2021

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