From January 2020 to December 2022, UNDP Lebanon implemented a comprehensive project focused on enhancing media practices to promote balanced and conflict-sensitive coverage. This initiative, part of the broader “Peace Building in Lebanon” project, aimed to counter fake news and hate speech through extensive training programs and the development of positive media spaces. Triangle was commissioned to conduct an in-depth impact analysis of these activities, utilizing a mixed-method approach that included surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions.

The analysis revealed significant successes in training both media practitioners and youth. Media practitioners were equipped with essential fact-checking skills, which they applied in their daily work to improve the quality of journalism. Additionally, youth training programs led to the creation of local awareness campaigns aimed at countering fake news and hate speech. The Salam wa Kalam digital platform emerged as a critical positive media space, fostering rational discourse and addressing controversial issues with various articles and video reports. Despite challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and Lebanon’s economic crisis, the project adapted well, maintaining its focus on enhancing media practices and promoting social cohesion.

The evaluation identified areas for improvement, including the need for better baseline data and metrics to measure community impact, as well as stronger gender mainstreaming and inclusion of persons with disabilities. Recommendations for future interventions include extending fact-checking training programs, developing a comprehensive marketing strategy for Salam wa Kalam, and ensuring ongoing engagement with trained youth.

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