Access to Water and Citizens’ Perceptions Research in the Northern Bekaa region of Lebanon

February 1, 2020


The project “Improving access to safe and affordable water to vulnerable communities” in the Bekaa Valley, specifically in Riyak, Haouch Hala Municipality, and Ali El Nahri Municipality, is spearheaded by H2ALL, a consortium composed of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), World Vision International (WVI), Oxfam GB, and Gruppo di Volontariato Civile (GVC). This initiative aims to enhance local and regional water governance in crisis-affected areas of Lebanon by bolstering the capacity of authorities and demonstrating cost-effective water service provision systems. The project comprises infrastructural interventions by NRC and WVI to improve local water supply and sustainability, complemented by community-based activities and capacity-building initiatives led by GVC. These efforts seek to promote water accountability, increase subscriptions and payments to the Bekaa Water Establishment (BWE), and enhance Water Demand Management capabilities to optimize existing water resources.

Triangle’s Assignment:

  • The proposed Citizens’ Perception Research (CPR) study encompassed a robust methodology, combining literature synthesis, stakeholder interviews, and targeted surveys to gather comprehensive data on stakeholder dynamics and citizens’ perceptions of water services.
  • Triangle’s approach emphasized action-oriented research, aiming to identify trust barriers in public water sector institutions, assess community power structures, and uncover channels to overcome barriers hindering water service subscription and payment.
  • The sampling strategy ensured representation across various cohorts, including Lebanese and Syrian households, BWE subscribers and non-subscribers, while adhering to ethical standards and optimizing data accuracy.
  • Through quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques, including SPSS for quantitative data processing and Grounded Theory for qualitative data analysis, Triangle aimed to provide actionable insights and recommendations to enhance water service provision in the target municipalities.
  • A power mapping exercise further enhanced understanding of specific power relationships within the communities, informing strategic recommendations for effective intervention.

Access to Water and Citizens’ Perceptions Research in the Northern Bekaa region of Lebanon


May 2019 – January 2020 

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