Impact Assessment of the Maternity Insurance Fund in Jordan

November 28, 2020


In early 2020, Triangle assessed the impact of Jordan’s Maternity Insurance Fund (MIF) on women, children, their families and businesses. The fund, established with the technical assistance of the International Labour Organisation, provides women working in the private sector with a guaranteed wage during their maternity leave. This aims to boost female labour force participation, maternal and child health and wellbeing, and intra-household dynamics.

The assessment analysed the experiences of women and employers in different sectors and geographies of Jordan, while also comparing the experiences of mothers who earn above and below the average wage. The final report will contribute to the ILO’s future decision making around design, administrative, business process improvements, complementary measures, and allocations to enhance relevance, up-take and removal of barriers to female participation in the labour market.

Triangle’s Assessment:

  • Qualitative Exploration: Triangle employed qualitative research methods, including surveys, focus groups, and interviews, to delve into the experiences of women, employers, and stakeholders interacting with Jordan’s Maternity Insurance Fund. This diverse set of participants included fund users, non-users, expecting mothers, and subscribing employers. The objective was to capture nuanced insights regarding the scheme’s impact on employment choices, family dynamics, child welfare, and its implications for businesses.
  • Mechanics and Shortcomings: The assessment scrutinized the operational mechanics and procedures of the maternity insurance fund while assessing its strengths and weaknesses. It aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the scheme’s effectiveness and its consequences on employment, family life, and child well-being. Drawing from qualitative research, Triangle formulated structured recommendations to enhance the scheme’s design, administrative processes, and business procedures. The goal was to improve its relevance and impact on women, children, families, and businesses.
  • Complementary Measures and Case Studies: The consultancy extended its scope to propose complementary measures to boost women’s labor force participation, including the allocation of contributions to these initiatives. Additionally, Triangle crafted three to five case studies spotlighting best practices and positive outcomes arising from the maternity insurance fund. These case studies offered real-world examples and highlighted the broader implications of effective public policy. The consultancy also generated various information, education, and communication (ICE) materials, such as visuals, videos, photos, infographics, and social media content, to disseminate findings and engage stakeholders. Throughout, English served as the primary language for documentation, with Arabic translation as needed.

Impact Assessment of the Maternity Insurance Fund in Jordan

Location: Jordan
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